
Evading Deepfake Classifier with Adversarial Attacks

An in-depth analysis of white-box adversarial attacks against deepfake-image detectors, exploring the vulnerability of AI-driven systems.


Desing and implement a Cryptographically Enforced Access Control using CP-ABE

Vulnerabilities Identification and Exploitation

An extensive report on security testing practices for identifying, assessing, and exploiting vulnerabilities in web applications, detailed with real-world data and code examples.


Embedding of a watermak using DWT-SVD and a DWT-DCT tranform.

FastTicket Web App

A site that shows ticket offices, bus stops and tramway stops in the Florence area, using geolocation and routing programs to guide the user to the chosen destination.

Todo List

TodoApp is a user-friendly and feature-rich task management application that helps users stay organized, increase productivity, and effortlessly manage their tasks and to-do lists.

Kruskal Algorithm

Theoretical report on connected components and kruskal algorithm, with tests and related analysis.

Edit-Distance wiht/without N-Gram

This project implements the Edit Distance algorithm with and without N-Gram support, providing a versatile tool for string similarity and comparison tasks in various domains.